Recognize a Photo of a Receipt, Extract Key Business Information in Python

3 min readFeb 15, 2022


Need to expense a receipt? It’s easier than ever before to implement simple expensing procedures with OCR technology. With the Cloudmersive OCR API, you can empower your application to recognize images of receipts and pull the most important information from that receipt (for example, the name of a business, the address of that business, its phone number, the total value of the receipt, etc.) and makes that information available to you in plain digital text. You can connect easily using Python code from the Cloudmersive API console.

Kick off your connection by running the Python SDK installation command:

pip install cloudmersive-ocr-api-client

Following that, use the below code to complete the API call. Make sure to authenticate your API key in the middle snippet below:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import cloudmersive_ocr_api_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# Configure API key authorization: Apikey
configuration = cloudmersive_ocr_api_client.Configuration()
configuration.api_key['Apikey'] = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = cloudmersive_ocr_api_client.ImageOcrApi(cloudmersive_ocr_api_client.ApiClient(configuration))
image_file = '/path/to/inputfile' # file | Image file to perform OCR on. Common file formats such as PNG, JPEG are supported.
recognition_mode = 'recognition_mode_example' # str | Optional, enable advanced recognition mode by specifying 'Advanced', enable handwriting recognition by specifying 'EnableHandwriting'. Default is disabled. (optional)
language = 'language_example' # str | Optional, language of the input document, default is English (ENG). Possible values are ENG (English), ARA (Arabic), ZHO (Chinese - Simplified), ZHO-HANT (Chinese - Traditional), ASM (Assamese), AFR (Afrikaans), AMH (Amharic), AZE (Azerbaijani), AZE-CYRL (Azerbaijani - Cyrillic), BEL (Belarusian), BEN (Bengali), BOD (Tibetan), BOS (Bosnian), BUL (Bulgarian), CAT (Catalan; Valencian), CEB (Cebuano), CES (Czech), CHR (Cherokee), CYM (Welsh), DAN (Danish), DEU (German), DZO (Dzongkha), ELL (Greek), ENM (Archaic/Middle English), EPO (Esperanto), EST (Estonian), EUS (Basque), FAS (Persian), FIN (Finnish), FRA (French), FRK (Frankish), FRM (Middle-French), GLE (Irish), GLG (Galician), GRC (Ancient Greek), HAT (Hatian), HEB (Hebrew), HIN (Hindi), HRV (Croatian), HUN (Hungarian), IKU (Inuktitut), IND (Indonesian), ISL (Icelandic), ITA (Italian), ITA-OLD (Old - Italian), JAV (Javanese), JPN (Japanese), KAN (Kannada), KAT (Georgian), KAT-OLD (Old-Georgian), KAZ (Kazakh), KHM (Central Khmer), KIR (Kirghiz), KOR (Korean), KUR (Kurdish), LAO (Lao), LAT (Latin), LAV (Latvian), LIT (Lithuanian), MAL (Malayalam), MAR (Marathi), MKD (Macedonian), MLT (Maltese), MSA (Malay), MYA (Burmese), NEP (Nepali), NLD (Dutch), NOR (Norwegian), ORI (Oriya), PAN (Panjabi), POL (Polish), POR (Portuguese), PUS (Pushto), RON (Romanian), RUS (Russian), SAN (Sanskrit), SIN (Sinhala), SLK (Slovak), SLV (Slovenian), SPA (Spanish), SPA-OLD (Old Spanish), SQI (Albanian), SRP (Serbian), SRP-LAT (Latin Serbian), SWA (Swahili), SWE (Swedish), SYR (Syriac), TAM (Tamil), TEL (Telugu), TGK (Tajik), TGL (Tagalog), THA (Thai), TIR (Tigrinya), TUR (Turkish), UIG (Uighur), UKR (Ukrainian), URD (Urdu), UZB (Uzbek), UZB-CYR (Cyrillic Uzbek), VIE (Vietnamese), YID (Yiddish) (optional)
preprocessing = 'preprocessing_example' # str | Optional, preprocessing mode, default is 'None'. Possible values are None (no preprocessing of the image), and 'Advanced' (automatic image enhancement of the image before OCR is applied; this is recommended and needed to handle rotated receipts). (optional)
# Recognize a photo of a receipt, extract key business information
api_response = api_instance.image_ocr_photo_recognize_receipt(image_file, recognition_mode=recognition_mode, language=language, preprocessing=preprocessing)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ImageOcrApi->image_ocr_photo_recognize_receipt: %s\n" % e)




Written by Cloudmersive

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