How to detect eyes in a photo in Ruby

3 min readAug 9, 2019


Here’s the easy way to use one of our APIs to identify and locate the eyes and other facial features in a photo. First up, add the API to your Gemfile.

gem 'cloudmersive-image-recognition-api-client', '~> 1.3.2'

With that out of the way, all that’s left is to call face_locate_with_landmarks:

# load the gem
require 'cloudmersive-image-recognition-api-client'
# setup authorization
CloudmersiveImageRecognitionApiClient.configure do |config|
# Configure API key authorization: Apikey
config.api_key['Apikey'] = 'YOUR API KEY'
# Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. 'Bearer' (defaults to nil)
#config.api_key_prefix['Apikey'] = 'Bearer'
api_instance = CloudmersiveImageRecognitionApiClient::FaceApi.newimage_file ="/path/to/file") # File | Image file to perform the operation on. Common file formats such as PNG, JPEG are supported.begin
#Find faces and face landmarks (eyes, eye brows, nose, mouth) in an image
result = api_instance.face_locate_with_landmarks(image_file)
p result
rescue CloudmersiveImageRecognitionApiClient::ApiError => e
puts "Exception when calling FaceApi->face_locate_with_landmarks: #{e}"

Let’s look at an example using the following image.

Our output for this image:

"ErrorDetails": null,
"Successful": true,
"Faces": [
"LeftEyebrow": [
"X": 1164,
"Y": 458
"X": 1227,
"Y": 439
"X": 1295,
"Y": 442
"X": 1352,
"Y": 470
"X": 1057,
"Y": 565
"RightEyebrow": [
"LeftEye": [
"X": 906,
"Y": 582
"X": 948,
"Y": 576
"X": 991,
"Y": 597
"X": 953,
"Y": 609
"X": 910,
"Y": 617
"X": 1160,
"Y": 565
"RightEye": [
"X": 1195,
"Y": 529
"X": 1240,
"Y": 522
"X": 1285,
"Y": 538
"X": 1250,
"Y": 558
"X": 1204,
"Y": 565
"X": 1014,
"Y": 914
"BottomAndSidesOfFace": [
"X": 810,
"Y": 722
"X": 829,
"Y": 800
"X": 857,
"Y": 874
"X": 897,
"Y": 943
"X": 952,
"Y": 1002
"X": 1019,
"Y": 1054
"X": 1090,
"Y": 1093
"X": 1168,
"Y": 1098
"X": 1246,
"Y": 1074
"X": 1314,
"Y": 1022
"X": 1373,
"Y": 958
"X": 1419,
"Y": 882
"X": 1443,
"Y": 800
"X": 1452,
"Y": 713
"X": 1450,
"Y": 623
"X": 1440,
"Y": 532
"X": 804,
"Y": 560
"NoseBridge": [
"X": 1064,
"Y": 621
"X": 1069,
"Y": 676
"X": 1076,
"Y": 731
"X": 1034,
"Y": 788
"NoseBottom": [
"X": 1064,
"Y": 792
"X": 1094,
"Y": 793
"X": 1126,
"Y": 782
"X": 1157,
"Y": 770
"X": 876,
"Y": 608
"LipsInnerOutline": [
"X": 1082,
"Y": 901
"X": 1112,
"Y": 901
"X": 1142,
"Y": 893
"X": 1214,
"Y": 880
"X": 1144,
"Y": 893
"X": 1114,
"Y": 901
"X": 1083,
"Y": 902
"LipsOuterOutline": [
"X": 1042,
"Y": 889
"X": 1077,
"Y": 868
"X": 1107,
"Y": 873
"X": 1136,
"Y": 859
"X": 1183,
"Y": 868
"X": 1237,
"Y": 875
"X": 1193,
"Y": 919
"X": 1153,
"Y": 944
"X": 1121,
"Y": 953
"X": 1089,
"Y": 954
"X": 1052,
"Y": 944
"X": 1034,
"Y": 912
"LeftX": 770,
"TopY": 413,
"RightX": 1412,
"BottomY": 1055
"FaceCount": 1

We are provided with the vertices for each feature, including the eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows. This is also compatible with photos containing multiple people.




Written by Cloudmersive

There’s an API for that. Cloudmersive is a leader in Highly Scalable Cloud APIs.

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