How to detect eyes in a photo in PHP

3 min readAug 2, 2019


Today’s post looks at how to use our Image Recognition API to identify facial features, including eyes, in a photograph and return their locations.

Let’s begin by adding the API to our library:

"require": {
"cloudmersive/cloudmersive_imagerecognition_api_client": "^1.4",

The only thing left to do is call faceLocateWithLandmarks:

require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
// Configure API key authorization: Apikey
$config = Swagger\Client\Configuration::getDefaultConfiguration()->setApiKey('Apikey', 'YOUR_API_KEY');
$apiInstance = new Swagger\Client\Api\FaceApi(

new GuzzleHttp\Client(),
$image_file = "/path/to/file"; // \SplFileObject | Image file to perform the operation on. Common file formats such as PNG, JPEG are supported.
try {
$result = $apiInstance->faceLocateWithLandmarks($image_file);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling FaceApi->faceLocateWithLandmarks: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;

Here is an example result:

"ErrorDetails": null,
"Successful": true,
"Faces": [
"LeftEyebrow": [
"X": 610,
"Y": 287
"X": 637,
"Y": 271
"X": 669,
"Y": 266
"X": 696,
"Y": 278
"X": 577,
"Y": 346
"RightEyebrow": [
"LeftEye": [
"X": 498,
"Y": 361
"X": 520,
"Y": 357
"X": 541,
"Y": 368
"X": 523,
"Y": 378
"X": 501,
"Y": 383
"X": 620,
"Y": 343
"RightEye": [
"X": 633,
"Y": 321
"X": 655,
"Y": 312
"X": 674,
"Y": 318
"X": 663,
"Y": 333
"X": 641,
"Y": 340
"X": 561,
"Y": 503
"BottomAndSidesOfFace": [
"X": 449,
"Y": 430
"X": 467,
"Y": 466
"X": 486,
"Y": 501
"X": 509,
"Y": 532
"X": 541,
"Y": 558
"X": 576,
"Y": 580
"X": 616,
"Y": 596
"X": 654,
"Y": 592
"X": 687,
"Y": 573
"X": 712,
"Y": 539
"X": 730,
"Y": 503
"X": 743,
"Y": 465
"X": 745,
"Y": 424
"X": 743,
"Y": 382
"X": 738,
"Y": 340
"X": 728,
"Y": 299
"X": 446,
"Y": 355
"NoseBridge": [
"X": 585,
"Y": 372
"X": 593,
"Y": 399
"X": 602,
"Y": 425
"X": 582,
"Y": 451
"NoseBottom": [
"X": 596,
"Y": 452
"X": 611,
"Y": 452
"X": 622,
"Y": 442
"X": 633,
"Y": 433
"X": 484,
"Y": 378
"LipsInnerOutline": [
"X": 607,
"Y": 503
"X": 624,
"Y": 499
"X": 639,
"Y": 493
"X": 674,
"Y": 474
"X": 643,
"Y": 493
"X": 627,
"Y": 500
"X": 610,
"Y": 503
"LipsOuterOutline": [
"X": 583,
"Y": 493
"X": 603,
"Y": 484
"X": 620,
"Y": 483
"X": 634,
"Y": 474
"X": 657,
"Y": 470
"X": 685,
"Y": 466
"X": 669,
"Y": 499
"X": 650,
"Y": 518
"X": 634,
"Y": 526
"X": 616,
"Y": 529
"X": 590,
"Y": 526
"X": 573,
"Y": 506
"LeftX": 439,
"TopY": 267,
"RightX": 749,
"BottomY": 577
"FaceCount": 1

As you can see, we are returned vertex data for each facial feature along with the location.




Written by Cloudmersive

There’s an API for that. Cloudmersive is a leader in Highly Scalable Cloud APIs.

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